My Profile

About me <3


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magical emo boy ! ! enfp x august leo ★ bunny enthusiast

autism x adhd x ed
bpd x bipolr x schizo mix

lving in mi pink fantasy land ♡ sanrio boy ♡ guitar player

read pls <3

hihi ! ! i am jus a boy trying to get thru each day. I am alone most the time ! sometimes I talk to much or not at all. I may be weird but at least I’m myself. my bedroom is my sanctuary and my whole life is online. i like digital diaries. i am not good at maintaining relationships but i am a rlly genuine person. i may be unwell but i am still here. living in my own world ♡ ꒰ ˆ ω ˆ ꒱ ੭

cute things, plushies, bunnies, music, writing, documenting, drawing, colouring, posters, games, scene and emo, romance, technology, frutiger aero, sweet treats, Pinterest, screaming, hair clips, my bedroom, cds, art

loud noises, being used, the passage of time, nostalgia, toxic relationships, school work, boy rotting, stress, people who dnt understand me, capitalism, itchy clothes, wasting time, crowds